Magazine Features
June 2018 Awarded Best Back Piece- San Diego Tattoo Invitational, San Diego, CA, USA
October 2017 Awarded Best Back Piece- San Diego Tattoo Expo, San Diego, CA, USA
July 2016 Awarded Best Asian Piece- Pomona Bodyart Expo, Pomona, CA USA
November 2016 Awarded Best Large Colour Piece and Best Large Asian Piece-
Hasta La Muerta Tattoo Fiesta, San Diego, CA USA
October 2012 Awarded Best Back Piece- San Diego Tattoo Expo, San Diego, CA, USA
April 2004 Awarded Best Chest Piece- Middleton Tattoo Convention, Middleton, Cork
October 2017 Awarded Best Back Piece- San Diego Tattoo Expo, San Diego, CA, USA
July 2016 Awarded Best Asian Piece- Pomona Bodyart Expo, Pomona, CA USA
November 2016 Awarded Best Large Colour Piece and Best Large Asian Piece-
Hasta La Muerta Tattoo Fiesta, San Diego, CA USA
October 2012 Awarded Best Back Piece- San Diego Tattoo Expo, San Diego, CA, USA
April 2004 Awarded Best Chest Piece- Middleton Tattoo Convention, Middleton, Cork